What follows today is something new from CARCHEX. Something we’re hoping will really catch on.

We’d like to introduce you to Chris Perez, a valued CARCHEX customer and owner of extended vehicle protection, and the inaugural CARCHEX Video Testimonial.

What is the CARCHEX Video Testimonial Program you’re asking yourself right now? The CARCHEX Video Testimonial program is all about giving you – our customers – the chance to tell your own car story in your own way. Through this program, we ship Flip cameras out to customers who have expressed interest in showing off their ride and explaining how an extended auto warranty from CARCHEX saved them money and got their vehicle back on the road, fast!

Chris was the first to offer himself up as a guinea pig for this service, the first to film himself talking about his ride, a 2000 Ford Expedition, and his experience working with CARCHEX, and the first to ship us back the camera (phew!) to become immortalized by CARCHEX on our Facebook and Youtube Channel.

Without further ado, here’s his story:

Hi my name is Chris from Philadelphia, and I purchased the Extended Vehicle Protection from CARCHEX for my 2004 Ford Expedition. The ultimate family, kid hauler and stuff hauler … and this is my story.
So about six months ago, due to the downturn in the economy, I was forced to buy a used car. I did some homework on the internet and decided to go with a CARCHEX extended warranty. About four months into the warranty, I had some problems with my truck; my transmission blew. I thought to myself, “Oh boy, here is a humongous repair.” I thought for sure I’m going to have issues with the warranty company honoring the contract and figured there was some loophole because I only owned the car about three or four months and now I have what could be a $2000 repair.
I took my car into a Ford dealer, got an estimate for the repair and then I phoned into the warranty company and filed a claim. They took my claim over the telephone and within 24hrs they had an adjuster out at the Ford dealership, agreed with the repair price and within a couple days to a week, my truck was taken care of. I have to say it was just a fantastic, fantastic experience; no surprises, no hassles and I would highly, highly recommend CARCHEX to anyone out there who’s considering buying themselves a used car.
Hey all you auto repairers, here’s what CARCHEX has to say …. ‘wha-pahhh [karate kick]’

If you envy Chris and want to get in on the action, send an email to Adam@abelcommunications.com. He’s the gatekeeper when it comes to shipping cameras, with your name, address, phone number, and brief explanation of your experience working with CARCHEX. You may get picked to join Chris as a member of our exclusive CARCHEX Video Testimonial. Your name will be recorded in the annals of history…

Okay, maybe not but when you send back the camera we’ll ship you a nifty CARCHEX t-shirt that will make all of your neighbors jealous.