When you make the decision to purchase a vehicle from overseas, you need to take into account that you will need to have it shipped to you. This can be a complicated task. There are tips you can use to make this task much easier. The following list of such tips will save you time in getting your car cleared through customs.
- Have the shipping company notify you when your car is expected to arrive.
- Hire a customs broker to handle the process for you.
- Make sure you have all the required paperwork for customs including the original bill of lading, bill of sale, proper foreign registration and any other necessary documents.
- Obtain a written statement of approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This document must be written in English and states that the car meets emissions standards.
You might also consider hiring an independent commercial importer to take care of important issues that go along with importing a car. You can only hire someone of this nature depending on the type of car are importing. Fees to do this are also quite high.